Customizing Windows Start Menu in 2 easy Steps:-
:- In this post I’m going to tell you how to get rid of annoying shortcuts that appears on your screen, specially in windows 8 and 8.1, Every time when you install any new application. The default orientation and GUI looks very boring or NON User friendly and when you open start menu a number of Glitchy icons appear on it , So to get rid of these or to never let it happen again, Following mentioned can be done.
Here you see annoying shortcuts of different applications. |
So what we are going to do now is to remove this annoying shortcuts. All what we have to do is to follow these simple steps.
Step 1:- First select the file (shortcut) that you want to remove and right click and select open file location.
Step 2:- After that what you have to do is to delete those shortcuts that appearing on your screen.
Shortcuts to be deleted. |
Now you are done with it. Now you can enjoy your clean and managed Start Menu. and wolah!!! its looks much of your taste now.
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